Help for Couples

Maintaining a relationship requires constant work. Whether your relationship is new or long-standing, issues arise. Misunderstandings, difficulties, loss, kids, and past hurts, all can create strain on a couple. Passion that was present in the beginning can feel like a distant memory. A loving relationship can dwindle into a couple being little more than roommates. Luckily, there is help.

Utilizing EFT (Emotionally-Focused Therapy), experiential treatment, communication-building, assignments, and insight, I work with you on your unique issues to help you break out of the patterns and cycles that keep you stuck. You can feel more like a couple again, and less like roommates. If you are struggling with sex-related issues within your relationship, see how I can help by clicking here. Below are the services I offer to all types of couples, regardless of background, orientation, or lifestyle. If you live in or around Greenville, SC, contact me and we can schedule a consultation.

  • So often, our most intimate relationships are often the most difficult. Conversations turn into bickering, which turn into fights. A pattern begins to emerge where you can feel a fight coming before it happens and, even with that, you still fall into it.

    There is a way to break the cycle. To learn to reconnect and rebuild. We utilize EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) couples therapy, experiential treatments, and conflict resolution techniques. Safety and vulnerability can be created and maintained in the relationship.

  • Marriage is a life-changing and exciting step. Before taking that step, it is helpful to explore and understand each other and learn important skills. Pre-Marital Counseling can help you and your partner feel more united and more connected. Here is a list of topics that will be discussed in therapy:

    • Commitment

    • Appropriate boundaries

    • Finances

    • Sex

    • Intimacy

    • Communication

    • Shared and individual boundaries

    • Understanding Infidelity and abuse

    • Blended families

    • Safety and Vulnerability

  • As a couple goes through life, they can often pick up baggage. Past slights, betrayals, and misunderstandings can lead to the couple falling out of love. Partners can grow resentful and distrustful of their partner’s words, actions or intentions.

    Work is done to rebuild trust and utilize tools openly work through conflict and gain understanding into the partner’s resentment to create a firm foundation for the couple.

  • Learn more about the services I offer here.